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Showing posts from November, 2022

how to use stickers

why do we need stickers? someone asks why you love stickers so much? you are not a child, growing up, please. oh really! but stickers are not only for kids. we need them to add some particular extra color to our life. break the boring life with small things. here are some ideas for using stickers. decorate your notebook fill your scrapbook decorate your room decorate your personal belongings such as a laptop, phone, jewelry box, etc. make a birthday card give them as presents give them as freebies to your small business buyers use it to decorate your art and crafts make your imagination and creativity to another level by using stickers here are some ideas to put stickers on    hope you find some awesome things to add some color to your life. Have a nice day. follow us on   Instagram here are my favorites sticker ideas  stickers